We have been providing Managed Backup to our customers for years. Practically all of them, without exception, were aware that backup is essential. We work with the desire never to need it, but it is unrealistic to think that we will never get in a situation where our business would depend on it. Despite this awareness, many of our clients didn’t know where to start dealing with this problem and, therefore, “pushed under the rug” the issue of backup for years. 

All our clients can relax now because they know that they can rely on their backup. It is done according to the policy that we have defined together, following the needs of the business, with the help of tools that are optimal for the given case, and with constant monitoring of execution and testing of correctness on our part. When we talk about backup tools, it is essential to mention that we are constantly researching and testing different backup solutions. Currently, Acronis is the vendor that is our choice in most cases.  

The Acronis backup solution has proven to be very simple and easy to use, easily accessible because it is web-based, very reliable, and flexible – it works from all platforms and on all platforms. It is also possible to choose local or cloud storage to store backups. An additional advantage over other backup solutions is that Acronis includes part of its security portfolio with a backup plan for free. Condition survey and vulnerability assessment of systems, anti-virus, anti-malware and anti-ransomware protection for workstations are just some of them. 

If you are not sure about your current backup solution, or you may be postponing the process of implementing a backup system – we will be more than glad to help you out.  

For more information on Managed Backup and Acronis, contact us or schedule a free consultation